Their website tells their story as follows, A quarter score and some years ago (roughly the year 2012), beyond the rolling hills of bluegrass, the galloping steeds on the grassy plains, there came together three adventurers in a noble quest to perfect the most holy union of coffee and donuts. One a lowly crafter of sugar and butter, another a noble and wise high cleric, and lastly a jovial bard from a nearby land. Each had a skill, a dream, a vision. In a secluded tavern room, the fateful three exchanged stories of adventures past, and hopes of where the road less traveled would lead. But this one notion united them: Should not donuts and coffee be perfected together, enjoyed together, and partaken with both friend and foe? This marriage between billowy, crisp dough and smooth, complex brew, is it not the one thing that unites us all? They forged ahead, building a new kind of tavern- nay, a sanctuary!- one where a worn and weary traveler could find rest in the rich aromas of an expertly crafted latte. And need he travel on down the road for that tender and crisp life-changing donut? Why, no! It has also been lovingly crafted within these walls! Finally, the two shall ne’er be apart- donut and coffee, coffee and donut- they shall be forever united by North Lime Coffee and Donuts.”
I love donuts but I’m not one to stray out of my lane to try ones with many different toppings often. So I ordered 3 glazed donuts (I know I’m a fat butt but I also thought I would snack on them throughout my drive and in the evening, quit judging!) When I arrived I texted to let them know what car I was in and to my surprise the lady coming out to give them to me had a huge box and bag. She handed me my order and said we are a little slow today so we gave you 3 times the amount you ordered. I could have teared up with the kindness of them and I profusely thanked her over and over again. I haven’t tried anything but the original glazed yet but it’s delicious and much larger than I was thinking it would have been. It was wonderful and I will forever support them in the future!
Please go out and help your local restaurants, if you can, they are having a hard time right now and need your support!
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